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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SUPER k +cartoons of boy 25, 30
SUPERFIE +cartoon of pengui 25
SUPERSTUD +face of man 3
SUPHALA +ears of corn 1
SURAKSHA the name of servic 11
SUVELA +cartoon of star 29
SWARAKSHARAM school of musi 41
SWIFT DRY +cartoon of child 20
SWIPAY +cartoon of man 9, 42
SYMOL +cartoon of boy 5
SYMPHONY +cartoon of man 11
T +cartoon of bear 25
T TABOO +cartoon of man 25
T.S.L +photograph of child 26
TADKA taste of difference 42
TAKA-TAK +cartoon of child 39
TALKING HANK +cartoon of do 28
TAMATINA +cartoon of dog 20
TAMLA +cartoon of elephant 9, 16, 38, 42
TANT PALACE +face of woman 25
TAO KAE NOI +cartoon of gir 30, 43
TAPOVAN a mint of taste 30
TAPTI collection of art 14
TARKA the taste of punjab 29
TASTEE MEE +cartoon of boy 29
TAURUS +face of cow 12
TAZO reincarnation of tea 32
TB TASK BOYS +cartoon of ma 39
TCF the colour of fashion 25
TDL +cartoon of elephant 42
TEAMONK +cartoon of woman 30
TECH BEE +cartoon of bee 9, 42
TECHGUARD +cartoon of fox 37
TECHN science of finance 36
TECHNO KEENS +face of boy 42
TECUMSEH +face of indian ma 7
TEDDY LUV +cartoon of bear 35
TEDDY NATS +cartoon of bear 21, 35, 41, 42
TEDDY RHEA +cartoon of bear 9, 21, 35, 41, 42
TEDDYS +cartoon of bear 30
TEEN MURTI +heads of ladies 9
TEST ROCKER +cartoon of owl 41
TESTBYTES brand of quality 42
TEXCRAFT +bust of girl 25
TEZ +cartoon of boy 28
TG TECHGUARD +cartoon of fo 36
TH the house of tea FOODHAL 21, 30, 35
THAKAR mark of quality +ova 32
THANNICKAL +cartoon of chef 30, 43
THE 3 BEES +cartoon of bee 41
THE BANANAS-home of pan piz 42
THE FARIYAS group of hotels 33
THE ICFAI journal of applie 9
THE ICFAI journal of bankin 41
THE LIL'S +cartoon of child 25
THE MAKER +face of man 18
THE MALL of west delhi +ova 37
THE SAINT +cartoon of man 42
THE TRIBE +cartoon of man 9
THE power of i 41
THE power of muscles +rhino 7
THENALI +cartoon of face 38
THEO KIDS +cartoon of boy 41
THYAGAYYA TV +cartoon of ma 38
TIA institute of accountant 16
TIBU +cartoon of boy 41
TIBU +cartoon of man 41
TICK TOCK +cartoon of clock 20
TIDYTASK +cartoon of man 3, 21
TIGER +face of girl 3
TIGER TIM +face of tiger 42
TIGER TOTS +cartoon of tige 41
TIGGU TV +cartoon of cat 35, 38, 41
TIJF journal of finance 16
TIKU TALK +cartoon of child 16, 35, 41, 44, 45
TIMES +cartoon of man 9
TIMSUN +cartoon of chameleo 12
TINA +cartoons of girl 9
TINY BEE +cartoon of bee 25
TINY FEET +cartoon of tiger 41
TINY OWL +cartoon of owl 9
TITTO'S +cartoon of boy 25
TIVO +cartoon of tv 9, 35, 38, 41
TOADSTONE +cartoon of frog 1, 5, 44
TOMION +cartoon of boy 30
TONY +cartoon of tiger 25, 30
TOOL BOX +cartoon of man 37
TOOT-C +cartoon of tiger 29
TOPO MINI +cartoon of mouse 24, 25, 28
TOPOLINO +cartoon of mouse 24, 25, 28
TORTOY +cartoon of turtles 41
TOT WEAR +cartoon of boy 25
TOUCHINGS of india 29
TOUR PIRATE +cartoon of bir 39
TOWN BUS +cartoon of vehicl 29, 30
TOYSJUNGLE +cartoon of bird 28
TOZY MOZY +cartoon of elves 25
TPI a figt of nature +arrow 19
TRDP MARIO +cartoon of chef 33, 37, 39, 40
TRENDY FROG +cartoon of fro 25
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